Intuit QuickBooks Buys Super Bowl Ad For Death Wish Coffee
Beyond Social Media Show, Episode 128
Co-hosts B.L. Ochman & David Erickson discussed Intuit QuickBook’s generous gift of a Super Bowl ad; a press release from hell; Google Glass’ disappearing act; Tweets out of context; URL keywords as commentary; MailChip’s late Eep URL shortening “service”; Donald Trump; Tony the Tiger and his furry friends; Google search quality meetings; SurveyMonkey’s excellent customer service; plus great new apps and important stats and a lot of stuff in between.
Worst Digital Cases
- Press Release From Hell
- Google Erases Glass History
- Twitter Out Of Context
- URL Keywords As Commentary
- EepURL
Best Digital Cases
- Intuit QuickBooks Buys Death Wish Coffee A Super Bowl Spot
- Trump Called The New Hitler
- Tony The Tiger Has Furry Fans
- How Google Improves Search Quality
- SurveyMonkey’s Excellent Customer Service
Shiny New Stuff
- Stick Texting
- ZCast – Mobile podcasting app
- Listomatic – Twitter list-creation app
Beyond Social Media Show is now on iTunes & Stitcher!
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